Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 2016 - ALFA Rallies in Yuma, AZ

Owners of ALFA motorhomes and 5th wheels are a close knit group of people with common interests.  When ALFA was still in business, a number of owner groups formed and held get-togethers (aka rallies) each year.  Most of the owner groups were based upon geographical area of residence, but one was for full-timers. That group took on the name "Road Runners" and that is the one Fran and I joined.  Every year, just before the large rally with all the owner groups, the Road Runners hold a pre-rally.  Here are a couple pictures taken during the rallies.

One of the group outings was a tour of the Yuma Proving Grounds.  While pictures were prohibited in most of the areas, I was able to take pictures at the base museum.

I stood in front of this "land train" to give an idea of the size of it.  

A "push me, pull me" aircraft

Memorial to Vietnam room

Mid Century Military Office displays


  1. Replies
    1. It was a blast and it was so nice to spend some time with you and Susan. Thank you again for checking my wiring for the SOC and solar. Everything is working wonderfully.
